Job Search Trends to Look Out For This Year

Regardless of what happens in the future, COVID-19 has changed many things forever. Here are the job search trends that you need to be aware of and prepare for to ensure you give yourself the best chance of achieving your career goals:

1. Virtual interviews

Since the start of this pandemic, there has been a big shift in how recruiters conduct job interviews. In an instant, face to face interviews were replaced with Zoom calls and virtual meetings. Now, companies and organisations are hiring people without even meeting them in person. This was almost unthinkable just a year or two ago.

And even though we have a vaccine, this does not mean that virtual interviews will be gone and will go back to the traditional in-person meetings. Since virtual interviews have become successful, this is likely to continue. Your ability to impress someone over a video call is likely to be the difference between getting that job or not. Our suggestion is to practice with a friend or recruiter first, and think about the environment that it will take place. Make sure you are in a quiet room with a white or clean background. You also need to dress professionally for the occasion.

If you need help when it comes to improving your interview skills, we have experts that can help you. Check out the Fllair marketplace or connect with our consulting experts if you have any questions.

2. Online networking event

Even though COVID-19 prevented many networking events, this does not mean we can’t connect and network with other professionals. Online networking events have become popular because of this.

There are many local groups and large online professional networks who are arranging networking events online that you can participate in. Aside from that, there is also LinkedIn that you can use to connect with other professionals.

With the power of the internet, it is still possible to create connections and build opportunities today. It takes effort, but the rewards are there for those who put in the time.

3. Improve your skills

With many people getting laid off, the need for professional development and upskilling has never been so important. Whether you want to stay in your current job or get a better job in the future, it is important to improve your skills or learn new skills to stay in the game.

Improving skills or learning new skills today is very easy with the thousands of resources available online.

Also, here at Fllair, we are offering resources as well as consultations to help you improve and develop your skills. Simply check out the marketplace for more information.

4. Create a video resume

In 2021, if you want to stand out, you need to make a good first impression. But how do you do that when hundreds of people are applying for the same job as you? You need to make your online resume stand out, and one way to do that is with a Fllair video resume. This will ensure recruiters can quickly get a grasp of who you really are and what value you can add.

If you need a little flair or colour on your online resume, we have a whole bunch of downloadable templates. Create your profile and then simply head to the Tools menu to download your resume into Word.

5. Remote work will continue

2020 is the year when almost all of us shifted to working from home, which is also unthinkable in the past. But it turned out that working from home gave a lot more advantages and benefits to professionals and organisations.

Aside from health and safety considerations, it also gave companies the opportunity to reduce costs for things like office utilities and in some cases office space. Employees also were able to avoid stressful commutes and some were able to achieve a better work-life balance.

With this, you need to keep your video communication skills sharp. You may also need to set up a portion of your home into an office to make sure you are able to work and focus sufficiently.

These job search trends are truly a great shift from what we used to know when it comes to recruitment and job search. By adapting to these trends, we will be putting ourselves in a better position to achieve our career goals.

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Tips To Boost Your Career In 2021

It’s 2021 and many of us are planning to achieve great things this year, especially after 2020 became the blocker that temporarily halted many of our career and life plans.

And if you are one of the many people out there who are excited to calibrate their career plans for better opportunities, here are some career boosting tips that can help you.

1. Invest in improving your personal branding

Personal branding is very important and valuable. No matter what industry you’re in, it pays to have a great branding to help people notice and remember you.

It also helps you boost your confidence as well as establish a memorable image in people’s mind of what you want to be.

One way to improve your branding is revamping your resume. We, at Fllair, developed creative designs for your online resume to give a little flair to your profile and branding.

Check out our downloadable resume option in the Tools menu.

2. Upgrade your skills

A lot of people lost their jobs in 2020, with employers becoming even more picky when it comes to finding the best person for jobs that are available. With this major shift in recruitment and employment, you need to stand out. And one way of standing out is to upgrade or learn new skills.

That is why we, at Fllair, created a range of learning and career ‘helpers’ to help you upgrade and boost your skills.

One of our career support offerings is the Leadership Career Accelerator program. We help you take your leadership career to the next level by helping you discover your strengths and blind spots.

Learn more about our learning and career helpers here.

3. Start networking and creating connections

Social distancing is now part of the new normal, but it doesn’t mean you can’t network and expand your connections. We are in a digital era, so connecting online through social media platforms like LinkedIn can be an advantage.

There are also online networking events that you can join to meet professionals and possible career opportunities.

4. Take care of your health

A great career isn’t worth much if you don’t have your health. Investing in taking good care of your health is an important part of achieving long term career goals. It’s not just about watching what you eat and doing exercise, learning how to communicate effectively with others and learning how to have a healthy relationship with stress are also vitally important. If you are interested in ways to improve your wellbeing, be sure to check out our marketplace.

These are just a few effective ways to boost your career this 2021. If you need more help when it comes to job search, career development, leadership and well-being at work, simply contact our support team.

My boss does not seem to like me that much. What should I do?

Thanks to one of our new Career Club members for this question – Joe from Melbourne in Australia.

Joe, the first thing I would do is to consider the following question – ‘how do you know that he doesn’t like you’? As in, has he told you directly, did someone else tell you about a conversation they were directly part of, is it a rumour, or is it a feeling that you get because of facial expressions or other cues? The answer will determine your next steps.

If he has said this to you directly, it would be interesting to know the context involved, but it is hard to imagine a circumstance where being told someone doesn’t like you is acceptable behaviour, especially for a manager or leader. Nobody should have to put up with any form of bullying in the workplace and whilst there is a lot of information I don’t have, there are few excuses that could make this reasonable. Managers and leaders need to be held to a high standard. At work, the only thing that really matters is whether you are doing your job and meeting your commitments. Whether someone likes you or not is not necessarily relevant. This article would be worth reading – The Most Important Skill You Need To Develop Right Now. If you secretly know that it might be because of something you did, you can of course go and make things right by having a conversation. You can also check out this article – What if your colleagues don’t like you in the Career Success folder (under Career Club).

If it is hearsay or a rumour, I would advise checking the facts first. One of the most common killers of team culture is gossip, because it is always second hand information. If you know the game Chinese Whispers, where a message must be passed along a chain of people, the message is almost always different at the end to what it was at the start. Participating in gossip is a team killer. Whilst I am not suggesting that you distrust everything you hear, it is worth checking the source of any information and if in doubt, and you have a good enough relationship with your boss, simply ask! If you need help with how to do this, get in touch with our team.

However if you are just getting a feeling that your boss doesn’t like you, one of the things I would encourage you to ponder is whether this is just your perception? As human beings, we are always making judgments about the facial expressions and body language of others. The reality is that we aren’t always very good at doing it well. When we make assumptions, we put ourselves in a position where we are creating a version of reality that may or may not be the same as the other person. They may actually feel like you don’t like them! The only way to clarify this is by having a conversation. And this means developing the type of communication skills that can deal with this type of conversation. It isn’t easy, but it is definitely possible to learn how. Sometimes, we create a problem that doesn’t even exist! It might also be worth checking out The Art Of Clear Communication in the marketplace.

Let us know if you need any further assistance Joe.

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